How to Plan a Kid’s Pool Party

Swimming pools are tremendous fun. When the sun is beating down and the mercury is hitting 30 degrees, nothing beats an afternoon spent by the pool while the kids play games in the water and burn off some of their excess energy. Swimming pools are also very useful if one of your kids has a birthday in the summer – instead of paying a fortune for your child and his or her friends to visit a play barn for the afternoon, you can host a pool party instead. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Well pool parties are fun, but you do need to plan them carefully, so if you have recently had a pool installed and your kids are clamouring for a pool party this year, here are a few important tips to make sure your pool party runs without a hitch.

Lots of Supervision for Younger Children is Essential

Younger children will have a ball at a swimming pool party, but it is very important that they are closely supervised. Ideally keep the numbers down to make it easier, but before anyone jumps in the pool, check the swimming ability of every child present on the day. Always have at least one adult watching the pool at all times.

Keep an Eye on Teenagers, Too!

Teenagers don’t need as much supervision as younger children, but don’t leave them unattended for long periods of time. Teens are not always very sensible and if anyone starts fooling around in the water, someone could end up getting hurt. Since the party will be taking place on your property, you have a duty of care to ensure everyone stays safe; so don’t disappear for the afternoon while a bunch of 15 year olds are causing havoc in the pool.

Party Food

Food and drink should be in plentiful supply at kids’ parties. Because the kids will be in and out of the pool, it is sensible to stick to finger foods and snacks. Keep the food well away from the pool (preferably indoors if it’s a hot day) and don’t let kids eat and swim. You also need to make sure there are lots of cold drinks on offer, especially if it’s a really hot day. Alternatively, you could light the BBQ and dish up hot dogs and burgers – this one is great for teenagers. Have a few bowls of salad and potato chips, plus some ice cream for dessert, and most kids will be more than happy.

Other Useful Tips for a Pool Party

  • Brush up on your First Aid techniques before the party, just in case.
  • Have sun cream on offer for fair skinned children.
  • Keep a supply of spare towels for anyone who forgets to bring their own.
  • Supply plastic plates and cups to avoid broken glass ending up in the pool.

Kids’ pool parties are an easy party option for summertime, but do remember that safety is paramount and don’t leave children unsupervised, even teenagers. And if you don’t have a pool, look into swimming pool construction and add value to your property

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